Category Archives: Build Business

My 30 day writing challenge 5 post a week

Do you have a goal you want to achieve? What about taking a challenge of 30 days and then divide it up for some daily.

imageI saw a video on TED with one of the employees from Google.
How he described his own 30-day challenges.

I have taken up the thread and created my own 30 day post challenge.
My challenge is to write 20 articles and create 4 video of their choice. Continue reading My 30 day writing challenge 5 post a week

Audello Review broadcast your selfe and take it to The next level

Name: Audello
Price: $ 294 including commercial license
Owners: Josh Bartlett
Overall Google Rank: 1 out of 10

Audello, Product Overview

imageYou get a software which actually has all the tools you need to begin creating podcasts.
Simply you buy a tool to build your own online radio channel. Continue reading Audello Review broadcast your selfe and take it to The next level

9 Mistakes To Avoid In Affiliate Marketing

The first mistake you will make is to believe that it is easy to sell other people’s products online.

Believe me it requires you to build your website big and strong with a strong foundation.

As it is, I think that you should first and foremost have a theme you like to work with and look at every day.

You must also have a strong profile, on your about me page, so your readers can get to know you. Continue reading 9 Mistakes To Avoid In Affiliate Marketing